Thursday, January 27, 2011

Room by Room

How is your New Years Resolution going?  Mine is moving right along! On January 1st I announced on mine.. "My new years resolution is to follow the schedules I make for myself! Clear my mind, my family and my house of all of the things that don't need to be there. And start doing the things that make me happy, Ive seemed to have lost them and i want them back. Have a happy and safe new years eve!" 
We all know if it makes Face book its official...

1st off I put my iPhone to use, I downloaded intuition.. which has to be the best app I have seen, It has organized my cleaning schedule, errands by location, doctor appointments, bills that are due, and shopping lists or notes I need to make.  It reminds me by a text everyday at 9am to do a 15minute pick up of my house!! or on a Tuesday I need to clean my 1/2 bath even to bring my trash cans up from the alley!

2nd... It has been a month of organizing this house.. It is going to take longer than I thought!!  I have been rearranging rooms, closets, drawers.. anything to make my life more efficient!  CLEARING THE CLUTTER! I give it one hour a day, if I'm lucky.. Now I can say that every room has been organized, it is time to clean it.. I mean seriously clean it, and again re-evaluate my clutter that is remaining. (How can 1 person have 5 Chinese food menus from the same place, (altho the name has changed 3 times!) Here is another serious question, Do you have your phone book taking up a drawer?  Why, you can Google any number you need.. DONT WASTE THAT DRAWER! Even most take out menus can be viewed online! Get rid of them!  How many spatulas do you have? I had at least 8.. now I have 4, I only need 1... Now I am going to take this Room by room and go thru what I have left.. So look for posts starting Monday and clean with me.. Room by Room .. 7 days of cleaning in just one room, an hour or less a day..
Can you guess what room I'm starting in?... THE KITCHEN...
Here is an example what (3) of my Junk Drawers in my kitchen looked like this morning...
And After.....
We are all expecting tax returns shortly... A portion of mine will be spent on organizational tools, bins, accessories.  Most will be purchased used at our local thrift store.. I will show you what I find!  Now onto Martha's website for me to start researching what is necessary for a kitchen clean up!  Be ready Monday!!