Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Data Trend

So for the last month I have been typing the deals in excel and saving them, I have not done this before.. Crazy I know! Why am I doing this? Because I want to know if the Sale in the ad is a "TRUE" Sale or just appears to be because it is a beautiful picture of a product.. I want to know the best time to use my coupons, on the right price at the right place. Previously I had purchased products becuase the AD's told me to.. Now i know that is not the best idea... A Smart consumer I want to be, and I want you all to be! What is the point of this?? I am almost positive these sales will trend, The cycles I am not sure, but what I do know is that there is almost always a corrospondence with coupon distribution and mark downs. Did you know that? I want to see if the best time to use that coupon is the 1st week in the cycle.. or the 3rd. I do not want to waste my time and money purcahsing products that will only drop in price 2 weeks later.. How annoying!! I am not putting my wallet in other peoples hands any more!! (seriously, I dont have a choice.. its almost empty after the bills are paid, and yes I know that is true for most of you too) When you begin using coupons you think you are getting a great price for laundry detergent at $1.00 off.. I am at the point of never paying more than a $1.00 for the entire bottle! Would you like to see this information? Would it be to much? You can always see what I purchase each week and follow along.. Anyway enough working for me tonight! Good nite :)