Sunday, February 27, 2011
RiteAid 2/27/11
Whoot Whoot.. So excited for todays trip.. I swear you would think it was Black Friday.. Yes I am one of THOSE people!! My adrenaline was rushing.. As were the 12 other women waiting at the RiteAid with me.. Off to a bad start when i close my lil mans jacket in the car door, and he crys :( But I was able to score everything I wanted!! This 1st thing Sunday morning is a abusolute must if you are planning transactions.. I would get so upset when I would plan and they would be out of stock. Okay enough of my Rant.. Here is the video, I will relax the more I do.. Im nervous!! At least you dont hear one of the kiddos yelling "I POOOOPED" lol :)