Sunday, January 30, 2011

Coffee prices on the rise

A few months ago I read an article by Glenn Beck on food price inflation, it was stated that people shorty wont worry about paying mortgages any more it will be buying food. If you are like me your left over cash after your monthly bills is certainly not dispensable. It stated grains, corn, coffee and cotton would soon be almost unobtainable for some income levels.. How do you feel about wheat bread being $26 a loaf??? Relax I was told by everyone I tried to discuss this with. It is just talk.. I'm afraid not.

What was the heading of my newspaper today?

So I turn to D1 and my stomach churns.. I need coffee to sustain my everyday functioning.. Bet you do too!  Well its going up 10c a cup at some retailers, here is the break down, if you grab 1 cup a day at WaWa you pay $365 a year.. For someone making $10 an hour that is 36.5 hours of work.. But...That will soon be $401.50... What does that mean for coffee at home? We will have to wait to see how much our brands for this Hot Commodity push the increase on us too..

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