Unplug your fridge, sweep and vacuum where it was, vacuum coils... Remove all food items from your refrigerator and store in a cooler or separate refrigerator until cleaning is done. (I just put mine out back today on the porch in a clothes basket) Spray with lemon juice water mixture.
Pull out all produce and meat drawers, removable shelves and wire racks. Go fill your bathtub with HOT soapy water crush a tab of dishwasher soap or add powder detergent, allow to soak.
With the same sponge or rag, wash the inside of the door and all its compartments.
Using a fresh, clean rag or sponge, rinse the entire refrigerator and all areas you have just cleaned and scrubbed. When you're confident everything has been rinsed properly, dry with paper towels or allow to air dry thoroughly.
Go back to your shelves, drain your tub and clean them. Dry.
Replace drawers, wire racks, and shelves.
Using a clean rag and hot water and dish soap, wash down the rubber molding around the refrigerator door. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Wash the outside of the refrigerator with hot water and dish soap or an antibacterial cleanser. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Remove the protective sheet on back of refrigerator, vacuum thouroghly. (MAKE SURE ITS UNPLUGGED!!) Replace.
If your refrigerator has a drip pan, remove it from underneath the refrigerator. Empty and scrub. Rinse and allow to dry before replacing.
Perfection ! |